In 2024, Shellharbour Anglican College celebrates 20 years of delivering affordable, Christian education to the Illawarra region. The 2023-2025 Strategic Plan guides the College as we continue to Pursue Tomorrow, together.
Families can take comfort in the knowledge that they have a partner who seeks to understand them and hear their hopes and dreams for their children.
Our Strategic Plan guides our work as a community of purpose and is underpinned by our school values: faith, wisdom, compassion and respect. Our vision for the future seeks to provide an exciting learning environment where students can develop the courage to explore opportunity, celebrate success and embrace life’s challenges.
Our students are not ordinary. They are resilient, relish challenge and can face obstacles with humility and integrity. We accomplish this by developing dynamic learning environments, delivered by passionate and adaptable staff. Our plan hinges on continuing a strong sense of community that values both collaboration and agency.
Courageous hearts, curious minds, hope-filled hands.
Strategic Intents
Our Strategic Plan is guided by four strategic intents with a common theme of growth.

Nurture growth compassionately
Lead and manage change so that we care for each other, build the culture we aspire to and stay true-to-purpose.

Grow deep learning
Develop a holistic, sustainable ecosystem that incorporates leaning, faith and wellbeing so students flourish.

Grow powerful connections
Build interdependent relationships across the school and wider community as we seek to serve, inspire and equip by both inviting in and going out.

Grow a sustainable place
Connect and support the College Community in financially, socially and environmentally sustainable ways as we build for the future.